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Friday, December 25, 2009

Aikido & Health (from the book "Aikido" by Kisshomaru Ueshiba)

Most budo originated from a kind of physical fitness program, developed into self-defense arts and then to refined budo.

A physical fitness program may be compared to preventive medicine programs and prophylactics. If we move our body adequately and if the movement agrees with Universal Nature, we will have a well-conditioned body and will not be affected by disease. Among the excellent warriors of whom we have heard, longevity is an outstanding characteristic. That they have practiced physical fitness during their training in budo certainly is related to this longevity.

When we consider various physical fitness programs we will soon discover the ideal of Aikido. The movements of Aikido agree with the laws of Universal Nature which include a flowing flexibilityand keeping a stable Centrum. The aim of Aikidoists is to be one with the Universe, in complete self control. When we have self-control, we also have a posture which is completely alert. By exercising our whole body we approach improved health.

Dr. Katsuzo Nishi, a famous man for his health-improvement theories says:
"When we watch people involved in Aikido, we see that their bodies are like equilateral tetrahedrons. We watch them begin the characteristic spherical rotation. They change in various ways, extending and drawing, without losing their center balance. Theirs are completely controlled figures. When the body is controlled, it is most healthy."

This is the type of body we see when skilled Aikidoist are in action. The continuous and flexible motion based at the waist is like the performing of a dance. It is a graceful spherical motion. Observing the finger motion, wrist motion and waist motion in Breath, we see that they all agree with physical improvement ideals. The movements of every part of the body are unified into a systematically controlled motion.

First, Breath Power ("Ki"), which is a flexible basic power of Aikido, is extended from the Centrum. This naturally relaxes one's strength, which has stiffened various parts of the body. It becomes the basis of constructing a Flexible but Stable posture for both young and old.

Secondly, some cases have shown that spherical motion based on the waist, when it is executed with a stable posture, is helpful for correcting bone structures, especially the spinal cord. For example, those who had dropping shoulders and bent spinal cords, although recovered from a particular disease, were completely corrected after a year of adequate Aikido exercise.

Thirdly, the delicate movements of Aikido help accelerate blood circulation at every joint of the body and give adequate impulse to some inner muscles which are not generally used. For example, when Knee Walking ("shikko"), the toes are necessarily moved and bent. Since most people in our modern age wear shoes, the exercise of such muscles will be beneficial for good health.

The basic Hold Down Techniques forms one, two and three all gives impulse to the inner muscles. Skilled Aikido trainees' inward and outward musles are well developed and elastic as a rubber ball. The Master says that the joint exercises of the Hold Down Techniques are to remove the "dust" which has accumulated around the joints.

In Aikido, the techniques related to each part of the body are necessarily related to the whole. There are no radical techniques which use strength suddenly or immediately cease using power. The spirit is filled from head to toes in the whole body in every case. Here lies the secret of Aikido in keeping a healthy body. The exercise of the body in this way with adequate moderation will no doubt lead to better health. It should be understood however, that Aikido is budo and not a physical fitness program. Aikido only improves health as a result of its exercise as budo.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Upgrading and seminar

It was a fine weekend to do a seminar + upgrading. Kids upgrading was load of fun. Most of them work hard for the upgrading and it shows. It's quite a revelation to see how much these kids grow over the years.The seminar was a success. So many people attend that we had to work with limited space but it was worth it.Congratulations to all!
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Short aikido article by Yusuf Sensei - 3

This is the third article in this series [part1][part2]

"Aikido" is comprised of three characters: ai-ki-do. Whether we approach this concept from either a historical or philosophical standpoint, correct understanding of those three words within the ideal Aikido system is essential.

Let us consider the concept of ki. Right from the beginning, the notion of ki was deemed to be of utmost importance in the traditional martial arts and ways of Japan and East Asia. Ki was researched intensely and extensively by all schools, much like a Zen koan, a riddle that had to be pondered deeply before it could be solved. In every ancient transmission scroll or philosophical treatise, the concept of ki is discussed at length. Ki words pervade the Japanese language: shiki (spirited); seiki (vital); genki (healthy); kisei (ardor); kihaku (vigor); kiai (spirited shout); yoki (cultivation); iki (disposition); shinki (mind); konki (patience); kiryoku (vitality); kisoku (breath); tsuyoki (powerful); the list goes on. It would be very difficult to have any kind of conversation in Japanese without some word or phrase that has a reference to ki in it.

Let us now look at the concept of ki as presented and explained in two transmission scrolls that have a direct relation to Aikido: the Kito Ryu Densho Chushaku and the Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho Kadensho ("The Life-Giving Sword"). The Founder Morihei had training in both martial art systems and he adopted and incorporated certain elements of each system into Aikido.

Here is the excerpt from the Kito Ryu Densho Chushaku:

Ki fulfills the body. When ki arises, it is called yang, when it is suppressed it is called yin. In this system, we employ ki in the instruction of all the techniques, but ki is not a manifest object. If the body is not set aright, ki cannot be brought forth. Within everyday life, when one is in a sitting position, vigorous ki flourishes, and one becomes stable and secure. However, when techniques are executed with gestures to the right or left, it adversely affects the ki equilibrium of everyday life. Ki pervades the body. Therefore, to set aright the body and correctly perceive ki everywhere is the tradition of our system. "Correctly" means through proper physical forms. The secret teaching of our system is this: continually polish your ki, do not be captivated by worldly objects, and keep firmly to the fundamentals. Do that, and when you execute the techniques, following the dictates of original ki, you can utilise ki and conduct yourself freely, right and left, back and forth. This is true for all aspects of life, stand, sit, move, remain still in a state of natural ki. Heaven calls this Unshakable Wisdom.

From the Yagyu Shinkage Ryu Heiho Kadensho:

Ki (opportunity) equals ki (vital energy). Perceive your opponent's ki, pre-empt his ki, neutralise his ki, and seize the opportunity. This is the same function as zenki; complete and concentrated control. Discern what is hidden and hard to discern, seize the opportunity and function totally. This is called the "strategy of seizing the initiative".

Here is a related excerpt from a book entitled Budo Hiketsu: Aiki no Jutsu:

The most marvelous things in this world is the art of aiki. The art of aiki is a mystery, the secret to all the martial arts of this sacred land. A kiai projected with aiki is so powerful it defies all definition. The most marvelous things cannot be explained with words, nor be measured with a ruler. Learn the secrets of kiai, make progress, and stride single-mindedly and with confidence through he world.

Ki as a Vehicle to Overcome Mental Obstacles

From these excerpts we can see how important the concept of ki is in East Asian life and thought, and how it is related to yin and yang, the source of the Oriental view of the universe. From life and death experiences on battlefields, our predecessors learned the nature and quality of life power, spirit poser, integrated body/mind power, meditative power, self-controlled power, ordinary power, and so on. In short, they learned about the functioning of "mental potential energy". All those qualities are a functioning of ki. Ki is the source of all activity.

In the old days, the quality of one's ki was tested on the battlefield, and thus was cultivated on the most practical levels. Those methods were used to control rebellious enemies. However, the real purpose of Budo is to defeat the enemies within one's own mind. Drawing on the wisdom of ancient philosophies based on yin/yang world view, our predecessors developed mental potential energy systems. From the concept that gentleness controls toughness, based on life and death battlefield experience, the notion that an "ordinary mind" is the key to free-flowing, liberated movement arose, in that state of ordinary mind it is possible to develop ways to perfect the human character. All of this, as our venerable predecessors indicated, is derived from ki.

In regard to the teachings of the past, the Founder Morihei said: "One's ki, mind and body must be linked harmoniously to all phenomena through the marvelous functioning of universal ki" In regard to ki, Aikido maintains and expands upon the venerable traditions of the past.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Short aikido article by Yusuf Sensei - 2

AIKIDO: a Continuation and Perfection of Japan's Traditional Martial Arts and Ways
The first article can be found here

From a historical perspective, what is the place of Aikido within the context of the traditional martial arts and ways of Japan? Are there any traditional forms and attitudes from the old-style martial arts and ways that are still preserved in Aikido? To be sure, Aikido is a modern martial way founded by Morihei Ueshiba, but he was influenced by many traditional martial arts and in his new system he incorporated, and breathed new life into, many technical and philosophical aspects of those venerable traditions.

For example, if we consider the technical side of Aikido, we can see many elements - striking, punching, grappling, pressure point attacks, binding, seizing, jujutsu arts, throws, weapons and so on - taken from the old-style martial arts but selected and refined according to Aikido principles. There is also a clear influence of the Tenjin Shinyo Ryu and Kito Ryu Jujutsu systems, and the swordsmanship of the Yagu Shinkage Ryu; traditions in which the Founder Morihei trained. Thus, it is safe to say that many elements of the traditional Japanese martial arts found new life within the context of Aikido. Furthermore, on a philosophical level, many ancient concepts - yin/yang, hard/soft, physical power/breath-power, body/mind movement, and the like - were adopted into Aikido thought. In this manner, and from any perspective, it can be said that Aikido is a continuation and perfection of the traditional martial arts and ways of old Japan.

Next article...The Concept of Ki..

Monday, November 16, 2009

Short aikido article by Yusuf Sensei - 1

The following is a first article in a series of mini articles written by Yusuf Sensei inspired from the book 'The Art of Aikido - Principles & Essential Techniques' by Kisshomaru Ueshiba.

Aikido is a modern Budo founded by Morihei Ueshiba after he had mastered many traditional Japanese martial arts and engaged in profound spritual training.

Master Morihei Ueshiba once explained the true mind-set of Aikido by saying: "In true Budo, there is no enemy. True Budo is the function of love. It does not contend and destroy but rather fosters and nourishes all things. A martial art solely concerned with winning and losing is not true Budo. True Budo is masakatsu, agatsu, katsuhayabi - "True Victory is Self-Victory, Victory Right Now!" This is an absolute victory, absolute because it does not contend with anything. Victory is to thoroughly rid the mind of contention and conflict within ourselves."

"Nothing surpasses daily training in Aikido" - Kisshomaru Ueshiba.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Our demonstration at INTAN the other day was great!. The turn up was overwhelming. Unfortunately not many of us were able to participate. Anyway, good job team!
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Upgrading and demonstration


Hear ye! Hear ye! Myaikido will be conducting an upgrading session for adults and children. Pograms are as stated:

Tarikh: 21 November 2009 (Sabtu)
Sesi Kanak-kanak
0830-0900 Pendaftran
0900-10.30 Latihan Intensif & Ulang Kaji
Sensei Suzalie, Azrul Hasni & Azalie
1030-1100 Rehat
1100-1200 Ujian Aikido 10th, 9th & 8th Kyu (Examiners: Sensei Suzalie, Naim Sensei, Azrul
Sensei & Nik Ibrahim)
Sesi Dewasa
1330-1400 Pendaftran
1400-1515 Latihan Intensif (The 5 Fundamental Pinning Techniques)
Sensei Suzalie & Hairul Hafiz
1515-1530 Rehat
1530-1630 Latihan Intensif (Throwing Techniques)
Sensei Yusof & Sensei Muhammad Hafiz
1715-1815 Ujian Aikido 6-2 Kyu (Examiner: Sensei Suzalie, Sensei Yusof & Hafiz)
Mohon dimaklumkan kepada semua calon yang berkelayakan.

Aikido Demonstration

We will also be conducting an aikido demonstration at the following location on the stated date/time.

Demonstrasi Aikido INTAN, Bukit Kiara
Penyelaras : Khairul Azalie & Nik Ibrahim
Lokasi : Institut Tadbiran Negara, Bukit Kiara
Tarikh & Masa : 10hb November 2009 (Selasa) & 5.30-6.30pm
Jumlah Peserta : 300 orang Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik

Demonstrasi Aikido, Putrajaya
Penyelaras : Hairul Hafez Abu Bakar
Lokasi : SMK Presint 8, Putrajaya
Tarikh & Masa : 20hb November 2009 (Jumaat) 9.00-9.30am
Jumlah Peserta : 500 pelajar sempena Hari Kokurilum Sekolah

What To Train In Yudansha

To those who pass their Yudansha the other day, these are some words of wisdom from Mitsugi Saotome:

By Mitsugi Saotome
Written ca. 1986 For an ASU Newsletter

Yudansha ranking is given for many reasons, not just technical ability. Just because a person receives a certain yudansha rank does not mean that he or she has attained that ability at that moment. It means that I feel the person is on the threshold and will grow into that rank with the pressures of added responsibility.

Of course, receiving a promotion to any yudansha rank presupposes a certain technical proficiency. But this alone is not enough. My eyes see differently when I watch a student practice. I see that student's personality as well as his or her growth. I often know what kind of special difficulties the student has had to overcome. I have a good idea how much that person has done for his or her group, how much responsibility has been shouldered and how much he or she has done to help others. I know that person's social and spiritual growth and leadership abilities.

I've been asked many times how a student should train and with what goals in mind for each yudansha level. Most of this cannot be put into words and must come from the individual student's heart as he or she grows in understanding; but I can give you a little guidance.

To train for Shodan:
You are training to become a beginner, no longer just a guest in the dojo, but a student with very real responsibilities. One must study the basic technical form and basic physical principle until the correct movement is automatic and feels natural.
To train for Nidan:

The power of movement must be emphasized and developed. The functional reality of technique must be explored and an understanding developed of what really works and why.

To train for Sandan:

The student must develop an understanding of Aiki principle and begin to break out of technique.

To train for Yondan:

The student must discover the philosophy of Aiki principle and how it relates to technique. The technical form must be deeply refined according to this understanding and the student must seriously begin to develop the art of training others. Personal training is not enough. The student must understand social responsibility.

To train for Godan:

One must make Aiki principle a direct part of his or her life, developing an awesome spirit, leadership qualities and the spiritual and social application of Aiki principle. A complete spontaneity of technique must develop which is no longer technique but the principle which underlies technique. There must be, at this point, a complete dedication to the art and a great social and spiritual growth. A growth which produces not a narrow local concern for one dojo or one area, but an active concern for all students and all people of the world. Throughout all these years of training, your physical, mental, social and spiritual understanding and power must steadily progress. The spontaneous application of Aiki must progress. If you stop training on any one of these levels, your Aikido will no longer grow.

Just putting in your time has no meaning. The quality and intensity of your training, the discoveries you make each day, these things have meaning. You must train hard and discover the answer for yourself.


Some pictures on the 17 Oct

Some pictures on the 18 Oct
The seminar was a great success. We had an awesome 2 day seminar. Pak Haji Haneef Sensei with his mix style is on top of his game. Yusuf Busra Sensei also astonishing with his quick yet controlled moves. The tatami was full and some of us had train on the floor, but it was well worth it!.

Yudansha was also successfully conducted. Yours truly,Hairul Hafeez and a few other aikidokas managed to pass our shodan. Yusuf Sensei and Hafiz Sensei managed to get their nidan with flying colors. All and all, congratulation to all! Our collective backs were soaring with pain after the seminar but it was nothing compared to the knowledge and ukhuwah we forged! Go Myaikido! Go Aikikai Malaysia!
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Monday, October 12, 2009

17 and 18 October Seminar Update

Please download the seminar pack here (forms and maps)

Please download maps here:

1) From Bandar Baru Bangi tol to Myaikido [map]
2) From Kajang tol to Myaikido [map]
3) From Myaikido to the seminar venue [map]
4) From Myaikido to Cempaka Recreational Park [map]

For enquiries, please do not hesitate to email or call
Suzalie Sensei (016-6272716 /,
Yusuf Sensei (012-3919372/ or
Ida Hariati Hashim (016-9930946/

Saturday, September 12, 2009


MY AIKIDO Dojo, as endorsed by Aikikai Malaysia, will be hosting a Seminar and Yudansha Upgrading. The programs will be conducted by Tn. Haji Haneef Sensei (the Head of Aikikai Malaysia's Technical Committee), Yusuf Busrah Sensei and Suzalie Mohamad Sensei. Details are as follow:
Date/ Day : 17th - 18th October 2009 (Saturday and Sunday)
Time/ Venue: Kindly refer to the Program Tentative attached.
Fees :

Package A – Trainings on 17th Oct only =RM140

Package B – Trainings on 17th and Ken & Jo Suburi =RM160

Package C – Trainings on 17th, Ken & Jo Suburi and dinner= RM180

(please indicate your choice in the Registration Form attached)


The seminar will be packed with demonstrations and in depth explanations on Aikido techniques that are very simple yet practical in our daily life. Participants will be given the opportunity to execute the Aikido techniques under direct supervision of the sensei(s), thus this provides the chance for each participant to improve himself in Aikido.

Participants will enjoy:

* Certificate of Attendance to the Seminar from My Aikido Dojo

* Yudansha Upgrading Scroll from the Hombu Dojo in Japan (fees for upgrading is not included in this seminar fee, the payment of upgrading fee will made to Aikikai Malaysia, however the organizer will arrange the collection of the fee on behalf of Aikikai Malaysia). Kindly fill in the Yudansha Upgrading Form attached.

* Refreshments during breaks

* Goody bag

* Great networking experience

For enquiries, please do not hesitate to email or call Suzalie Sensei (016-6272716 /, Yusuf Sensei (012-3919372/ or Ida Hariati Hashim (016-9930946/


* Note:

The organizer does not make arrangement for the flight tickets for oversea participants, however arrangement for airport transfers and accommodation can be made upon request. (please indicate in the Registration Form attached).

We are looking forward to seing you at the seminar.

Please download the seminar pack here (forms, maps etc.) [5MB]

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Meeting on upgrading and seminar


Tarikh/ Hari : 28 Julai 2009 (Selasa)

Tempat : My Aikido Dojo, Bandar Baru Bangi

Waktu : 2040 - 2300

Kehadiran :

1. Nik Ibrahim Abdul Rahman

2. Suzalie Mohamad

3. Ida Hariati Hashim (S/U Kehormat)

4. Khairul Azalie Md Khalid

5. Azli Aliuddin

6. Yusof Kushairi

7. Hj. Mohd Sulaiman Dalini

8. Lazuardi Md. Salleh

9. Mohd. Zahrin Zaidi Ahmad

10. Nur Hadist Muhamad Shukor

11. Enimroszee Kamarudin

12. Fahana Ali

13. Muhammad Hafiz Ahmad Fadzil

14. Mohd. Adli Md. Ali


  1. Ucapan Pengerusi
  2. Pengenalan tentang latar Belakang Aikikai Malaysia
  3. Penubuhan AJK dan Pembahagian Tugas-tugas
  4. Hal-hal berbangkit
  5. Penutup

Minit Mesyuarat

No. Minit Tindakan
1. Ucapan Pengerusi
    1. En. Nik mengalu-alukan kehadiran semua. Beliau mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih di atas kerjasama yang diberi untuk menjayakan Program Seminar & Upgrading pada bulan Oktober ini.

Untuk Makluman
2. Pengenalan tentang latar Belakang Aikikai Malaysia

2.1 Suzalie Sensei berkongsi informasi tentang sejarah Aikido di Malaysia. Beliau juga menerangkan latar belakang penubuhan Aikikai Malaysia. Menurutnya, hanya Aikikai Malaysia yang telah diberikan mandat untuk ‘upgrade’ Yudansha.

2.2 Objektif program ini adalah:

a. networking

b. kerjasama

c. kesungguhan

2.3 Program ini addalah peringkat antarabangsa kerana akan dihadiri peserta-peserta luar negara seperti dari Brunei, Mauritius dan Indonesia (Pontianak).

2.4 Ketua Jawatankuasa Teknikal Aikikai Malaysia, Tuan Haji Haneef (6th Dan) dan pembantunya akan hadir untuk menjayakan seminar dan upgrading nanti.

Untuk Makluman
3. Penubuhan AJK dan Pembahagian Tugas - tugas

3.1 Berikut adalah senarai AJK kerja untuk Program Seminar dan Upgrading 3/09 ( 17 – 18 Oktober)

*sila rujuk Lampiran A

AJK Berkenaan
4. Hal-hal Berbangkit

4.1 Tiket penerbangan untuk Tuan Haji Haneef (Business Class telah pun ditaja oleh seorang hamba Allah).

4.2 Beberapa cadangan untuk tempat-tempat seminar:

  1. Indoor Stadium di Seksyen 15 atau Seksyen 17
  2. Niosh ( Seksyen 15)

4.3 Jangkaan jumlah Aikidoka yang akan hadir adalah sebanyak 65 orang (13 dojo x 5 peserta)

4.4 Suzalie Sensei mencadangkan cenderamata untuk Tn. Hj Haneef ialah senaskah buku. En. Nik mencadangkan door gift diberi kepada setiap yang hadir.

4.5 En. Nik juga mencadangkan T-Shirt disediakan (kos termasuk dalam yuran).

4.6 Pn. Hadist mencadangkan seminar dan upgrading dirakamkan dalam bentuk VCD untuk dipasarkan.

4.7 Program bulan Ramadhan – berikut adalah beberapa cadangan untuk pengisian bulan mulia tersebut: ( Jadual akan disediakan oleh Suzalie Sensei)

  1. Kelas Tadarus/ Tilawah Al-Qur’an
  2. Kelas Teori Kesihatan dan falsafah Aikido
  3. Kerja-kerja amal secara berkumpulan

Untuk Makluman

AJK Logistik

Untuk Makluman

Pn. Ida

En. Azalie

AJK Fotografi & Dokumentasi

Suzalie Sensei

5. Penutup

Mesyuarat telah ditangguhkan pada pukul 10:35 malam.

Disediakan oleh:


Senarai Ahli Jawatankuasa Program Seminar & Upgrading 3/09 (Oktober)

No. Jawatan Nama Tugasan
1. Penasihat Suzalie Mohamad
  • Memberi nasihat tentang penganjuran program
  • Berhubung terus dgn pihak Aikikai Malaysia dan dojo-dojo luar
2. Pengarah Nik Ibrahim Abdul Rahman
  • Memastikan perjalanan kerja penganjuran program berjalan lancar
  • Mempengerusikan mesyuarat-mesyuarat AJK pengelola program
  • Menempah plak Perasmian Dojo oleh Tn Hj. Haneef
3. S/U Ida Hariati Hashim
  • Menyediakan minit mesyuarat
  • Menyediakan surat jemputan/ lain-lain/ buku program
  • Menyediakan sijil-sijil dan cenderamata untuk tetamu
  • Membuat tempahan makanan untuk para peserta & tetamu
4. Pen. S/U Azli Aliuddin
  • Membantu S/U (buku program & sijil)
  • Menyediakan tag nama untuk peserta & AJK
  • Menyimpan rekod jumlah peserta/ tetamu yang hadir
5. Bendahari Yusof Kushairi
  • Menyimpan kira-kira
  • Menyediakan costing untuk program
  • Menyediakan surat untuk mendapatkan penganjuran (fundraising)
6. Pen. Bendahari Lazuardi Md. Salleh
  • Membantu Bendahari menyimpan kira-kira dan audit
7. Logistik & Pengangkutan Nur Hadist Shukor &

Fahana Ali

  • Menguruskan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penginapan, tempat seminar & upgrading.
  • Menguruskan hal-hal pengangkutan untuk para tetamu & peserta
8. Promosi Khairul Azalie & Muhammad Hafiz
  • Menghubungi pihak media untuk mempromosi program ini
  • Bekerjasama dengan S/U dan Bendahari untuk tujuan pengiklanan dalam buku program
  • Menempah T-shirt untuk program
9. Liaison Officer Abdullah Jaafar/ Mohd. Zahrin Zaidi/ Enimroszee
  • Menyambut kedatangan para tetamu
  • Menguruskan hal-hal keperluan para tetamu
  • Menyediakan cenderamata untuk tetamu (hiasan)
10. Keselamatan & Kecemasan Hj.Sulaiman & Cik Hamid
  • Sentiasa bersedia dengan First Aid Kit semasa program
11. Fotografi & Dokumentasi Mohd. Adli
  • Merekod segala aktiviti program
  • Membuat rakaman video semasa berlangsungnya program

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Introduction to Atemi using Boxing Technique

From Hafez:

Yesterday was one our luckiest day as we had the chance to learn on how to deliver our punch properly and effectively at the MyAikido Dojo. The class was conducted by Coach Mohamad who he himself had boxed for Malaysia for couple of time in the international arena…not to mentioned in the local arena. It was a good experience where everyone try to deliver their best punch….some punched like the is no tomorrow (reminds me the Mike Tyson), some punched like their boss is standing behind (some punched as if the punching bag is their boss….we can see the determination from their eyes) and some start to introduced the kickboxing……..the punches were everywhere………I also try to deliver my best punch……tried to experience few way of punching…straight jab…upper cut…until my knuckle hurt…….and this morning, I woke up with a terrible pain in the shoulder due to excessive punching…………

But doesn’t it sounds weird for aikidoka to learn on how to box?....superficially, indeed it sounds weird because in aikido…we are indoctrinate of not to be aggressive……but if we look carefully…….there are lots of similarity between boxing and aikido….and these were clearly demonstrated by Coach and Sensei during yesterday’s class……

Let us look at them…….

1. The way that the boxer standing is almost similar to our hanmi kamae…..strong center line and stable posture and the body is facing toward the opponent, hand at the chest level, guarding the fragile body part and at the same time ready to deliver the punch or in aikido, ready to receive the attack. The posture is stable but at the same time very flexible for any move without losing the stability.

2. Maai…or the distance between 2….the distance should be adequate for us to avoid the full force of attack but at the same time enough to receive the attack and perform the aikido move…

3. Boxer deliver their punch without opening their armpit which is very similar to delivering a shomen and yokomen. One of the common mistake in delivering shomen and yokomen is lifting your elbow to the side and open up the armpit. When we lift our elbow to the side, we are not only losing our stability because of the change in the center line but we are also release the shield to our fragile body part which is our rib…..not to mention on the effective power of the strike itself…….

4. The source of power. In boxing, the power of the punch is the product of the whole body movement which is one of the core concept in aikido…the whole body movement. The energy originate from the toe that planted to the ground, to the center line, to the shoulder and release at the fist or in aikido at the fingertip. There is no obstruction in the energy flow. The energy is not originate from the upper body but started from the lowest body. Remember……our leg is very much stronger from our arm…..

5. Timing…….when to deliver and when to avoid…..block the energy when it is at the initiation stage and divert or avoid the energy when it is already at it maximum… aikido, it is reflected in the irimi (entering or omote technique) and tankan (diverting or ura technique)…..

6. Calmness and be in control of the emotion…

I believe, the list is not exhausted and there are more if we try to look at both of them closely. By the way both are combat sport and it is up to us to learn, experiment and have fun with it.

Domo arigato gozaimasu……..


Hairul Hafez B Abu Bakar

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Aikido and pain

One thing I love about aikido is how strikingly it describes how your body works and how that is, in fact, how life also works.

In aikido, intertia signifies blockage of your chi energy. When there's inertia, you won't feel pain but, suddenly your arm could break or your neck could snap *gulp*. Aikido tries to unravel these blockages so that the chi would flow smoothly, as a result... you feel pain, tremendous pain sometimes. But that's a good sign. The sign of something in you actually flows correctly.

How life is very much similar to that. Sometimes, we don't feel pain... and suddenly, things start breaking, start snapping left and right. This is due to inertia within us, we "refuse" to see the pain.

There are times when pain is grabbing us by the throat. We can bearly breath just thinking how painful things are. Unbearable, unsurmountable... but be sure, the pain is merely there to show how things are actually flowing correctly.... If you ever feel such pain, be patient. It will soon be your turn to be a nage :)


Aikido techniques and attacks

  • Front-of-the-head strike (正面打ち shōmen'uchi?) a vertical knifehand strike to the head.
  • Side-of-the-head strike (横面打ち yokomen'uchi?) a diagonal knifehand strike to the side of the head or neck.
  • Chest thrust (胸突き mune-tsuki?) a punch to the torso. Specific targets include the chest, abdomen, and solar plexus. Same as "middle-level thrust" (中段突き chūdan-tsuki?), and "direct thrust" (直突き choku-tsuki?).
  • Face thrust (顔面突き ganmen-tsuki?) a punch to the face. Same as "upper-level thrust" (上段突き jōdan-tsuki?).

  • Single-hand grab (片手取り katate-dori?) one hand grabs one wrist.
  • Both-hands grab (諸手取り morote-dori?) both hands grab one wrist.
  • Both-hands grab (両手取り ryōte-dori?) both hands grab both wrists. Same as "double single-handed grab" (両片手取り ryōkatate-dori?).
  • Shoulder grab (肩取り kata-dori?) a shoulder grab. "Both-shoulders-grab" is ryōkata-dori (両肩取り?)
  • Chest grab (胸取り mune-dori?) grabbing the (clothing of the) chest. Same as "collar grab" (

  • First technique (一教 ikkyō?) a control using one hand on the elbow and one hand near the wrist which leverages uke to the ground.[26] This grip also applies pressure into the ulnar nerve at the wrist.
  • Second technique (二教 nikyō?) a pronating wristlock that torques the arm and applies painful nerve pressure. (There is an adductive wristlock or Z-lock in ura version.)
  • Third technique (三教 sankyō?) a rotational wristlock that directs upward-spiraling tension throughout the arm, elbow and shoulder.
  • Fourth technique (四教 yonkyō?) a shoulder control similar to ikkyō, but with both hands gripping the forearm. The knuckles (from the palm side) are applied to the recipient's radial nerve against the periosteum of the forearm bone.[27]
  • Fifth technique (五教 gokyō?) visually similar to ikkyō, but with an inverted grip of the wrist, medial rotation of the arm and shoulder, and downward pressure on the elbow. Common in knife and other weapon take-aways.
  • Four-direction throw (四方投げ shihōnage?) The hand is folded back past the shoulder, locking the shoulder joint.
  • Forearm return (小手返し kotegaeshi?) a supinating wristlock-throw that stretches the extensor digitorum.
  • Breath throw (呼吸投げ kokyūnage?) a loosely used term for various types of mechanically unrelated techniques, although they generally do not use joint locks like other techniques.[28]
  • Entering throw (入身投げ iriminage?) throws in which nage moves through the space occupied by uke. The classic form superficially resembles a "clothesline" technique.
  • Heaven-and-earth throw (天地投げ tenchinage?) beginning with ryōte-dori; moving forward, nage sweeps one hand low ("earth") and the other high ("heaven"), which unbalances uke so that he or she easily topples over.
  • Hip throw (腰投げ koshinage?) aikido's version of the hip throw. Nage drops his or her hips lower than those of uke, then flips uke over the resultant fulcrum.
  • Figure-ten throw (十字投げ jūjinage?) or figure-ten entanglement (十字絡み jūjigarami?) a throw that locks the arms against each other (The kanji for "10" is a cross-shape: 十).[29]
  • Rotary throw (回転投げ kaitennage?) nage sweeps the arm back until it locks the shoulder joint, then uses forward pressure to throw.[30]

* Source: wikipedia

Kids upgrading and seminar

Kids upgrading and seminar
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More pics from our upgrading the other day

More pics from our upgrading the other day.
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Monday, June 29, 2009

Seminar and upgrading

Last weekend's seminar and upgrading sessions were a success. People from other dojos were there too (Thanks for coming, guys) . Congratulation to all "upgradees"! Keep up the good work! [Click the collage above for more pics.]

Monday, June 22, 2009

Upgrading and seminar

MYAIKIDO will be conducting two seminars and upgradings (one for adult, the other for children) on the 27 and 28 of June (respectively).

Forms, fees and schedule can be downloaded below:

Adult upgrade and seminar

Children upgrade and seminar

Best of luck to all upgradees,



Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Aikido violance?

Hafez forwarded me this article from Aikidojournal "The reluctant uke". It's a good read and something that most aikidoka would face (especially those with smaller physique like yours truly).

Anyway, this entry is to add to that article and how violance (either we realise it or not) has sipped into our beloved art.

When I came back from my studies in France (this was back in 2002), I was quite eager to find an aikido dojo here in KL (Malaysia). I finally joined this one dojo (who will stay anonymous to protect the innocent). Unfortunenately for me, my gi was utterly destroyed during transport from France to Malaysia (don't ask how). So, during my first few classes at this new dojo I was wearing a t-shirt and track bottom.

My first class was "interesting" to say the least. First off, our sensei was not there. The class was actually a "revision" class conducted by the students. No problem there. I guess, since I'm not wearing a gi, the students thought that I was brand new to aikido (I was a 3rd kyu). I was lumped with some of the new wide eyed kids (despite my age - of course I consider that as a complement :) ) that just joined in. One of our "senior" (a 5th kyu I think) thought us ikkiyo on suwari-waza and just like any other class ask us to repeate what he did.

Since I was from the Kobayashi school when I was in France my ikkiyo looks really "wierd" to them. I'm ok with them trying to correct me but one incident shock me to the very core.

When I do my ikkiyo on suwari-waza, after I pin my uke to the ground, I quickly release him while guarding him with an aitemi. Of course the aitemi is quickly transformed into a te-katana to receive the uke's next shuimenuchi. My seniors on the other hand insist that I pin the uke to the ground until he begs for merci. (Which in my opinion somewhat breaks the flow, but I just kept quiet). What was shocking was when they told me this:

"You should not just release your uke. If you went to a seminar and work with all the shodans and what not, if you just release him like that, he will get up and he will punch you in the face"


Punch me in the face?

Of course my aitemi would land on his chin long before that, but here's the problem:

What kind of a sick dojo where a shodan punches a 7th kyu in the face?

An aitemi just to shock you a bit once in a while is ok but even then, I won't do it to a 7th kyu.

To cut the long story short, I quit the dojo and for the next 5 years or so hangs my bokken, so to speak. I was wondering if its just that dojo (which is a famous dojo by the way) or is everyone in Malaysia try to "adopt" aikido to the street. The aikido that I learn in France was different. It was full of harmony, philosophy and what not (it also helps that my teacher was a lady) and here it's different.

Luckily enough I found MyAikido. The teaching philosophy here is really close to what I have learnt previously but it took me 5 years to get over that little incident.

I wonder how many other aikidoka gave up because of this street-fight, bang-the-nearest-7th-kyu mentality.


Monday, June 8, 2009

A bit of thought on aikido

One of the most frequent question people ask about aikido is this: Would aikido be useful in a street fight?

Here's my answer: Well, unless you're a 4th or 5th dan, I really don't encourage you to get into a street fight with only aikido. (maybe aikido plus a big iron rod ... but even then).

But then again, how many times you get involved in a street fight? (Please quit reading if your answer is more than 20 ... per day).

Aikido is all about love and peace, sugar and spice and everything nice. But aikido still resides in the real world and the real world is full of confrontations. We, as human, would face confrontations everyday, from our bosses, our children, our spouses, our friends, our coworkers etc. Heck, we even have confrontation with ourselves.

I really think that aikido, despite not being that useful in confronting a gang of thugs, is very powerful in confronting these day to day stuff. (and no I'm not suggesting an irimi nage on your nagging wife) .

Aikido is made of two things, practices and values. One of the values of aikido is to absorb negative energy from the uke (attacker), transform it to positive and give it back to the uke. Imagine in a, say, fight between husband and wife and the husband knows aikido and its values. The husband could first absorb any negative energy (i.e. let the wife speak her mind, let her finish with her katatedori if you prefer) . Transform that energy into positive without being destabilised (getting angry, blowing the proverbial fuse, using a direct counter attack etc.) and send it back (smile, say you're sorry and give her a hug .. ok ok , so you may get the old "don't touch me" but that's better than a race to see who can shout the loudest) .

Now you see how aikido can help with day to day confrontation.

Some may ask, these values are universal and anyone can use it. You don't need aikido for that. Sure, but what aikido does is to transform these values into practice so that, as human being, we can absorb it better. I.E. through practicing aikido, we internalize its values and can use it wherever these values are needed.

And that my friend, sure beat kicking butt in some street fight


MyAikido at MPOB, Bangi

We had a fun time demonstrating aikido at MPOB Bangi. Our host was friendly and the turnout was good. We demonstrated a few eye-opening moves (especially when bokken and jo was involved). Hopefully they'll open a club there.
For more photos , please visit []

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Sunday, June 7, 2009


My Aikido does not believe in binding its students to signed financial contracts. We believe in verbal agreements based on trust and honesty. Our part of the agreement is to offer you Aikido instruction of high quality. Your part of the agreement is to take part in the training and to pay your membership fees promptly when due without being asked.

One-Time Registration Fee:

1. RM 50 per person or family.
2. No contract required.
3. One time only. Returnee’s do not pay this fee ever again.

Monthly / Quarterly Membership Fees:

There is no discount for missed classes. If health concerns or other issues keep a member from attending classes for a prolonged period, a special leave-of-absence may be arranged, if needed. Please talk with an instructor or a deshi, who will bring the matter to the attention of Sensei, in confidence.

Payment Policy:

1. Fees are due on the 5th of the month.
2. My Aikido does not accept credit cards and cheques. Payment can be made via cash, online or personal checks.
3. Online payments must be notified to My Aikido and bank in slip to be retained as proof of payment.

Fees for Visitors and Guests:

Visitors from affiliated dojos may train at My Aikido at a fee of RM10 per session.

Special Circumstances:

For those people who need financial assistance, we offer help through our Scholarship Program. Ask an instructor or a deshi for a confidential application.

Registration fee:


(Single or family)



RM 60/month (1 session per week)
RM 70/month (2 sessions per week)
RM100/month (unlimited sessions)

- or-
Quarterly (every 3 months)

RM150 (1 session per week)
RM180 (2 sessions per week)
RM250 (unlimited sessions)

Junior (5-17 years)

RM 50/month (1 time training a week)


RM 10/session

Saturday, June 6, 2009

History of aikido

From wikipedia:

Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba (植芝 盛平 Ueshiba Morihei, 14 December 1883–26 April 1969), referred to by some aikido practitioners as Ōsensei ("Great Teacher"). Ueshiba envisioned aikido not only as the synthesis of his martial training, but also an expression of his personal philosophy of universal peace and reconciliation. During Ueshiba's lifetime and continuing today, aikido has evolved from the koryū (old-style martial arts) that Ueshiba studied into a wide variety of expressions by martial artists throughout the world.

Initial Development

Ueshiba developed aikido primarily during the late 1920s through the 1930s through the synthesis of the older martial arts that he had studied. The core martial art from which aikido derives is Daitō-ryū aiki-jūjutsu, which Ueshiba studied directly with Takeda Sokaku, the reviver of that art. Additionally, Ueshiba is known to have studied Tenjin Shin'yō-ryū with Tozawa Tokusaburō in Tokyo in 1901, Gotōha Yagyū Shingan-ryū under Nakai Masakatsu in Sakai from 1903 to 1908, and judo with Kiyoichi Takagi (高木 喜代子 Takagi Kiyoichi, 1894–1972) in Tanabe in 1911.

The art of Daitō-ryū is the primary technical influence on aikido. Along with empty-handed throwing and joint-locking techniques, Ueshiba incorporated training movements with weapons, such as those for the spear (yari), short staff (), and perhaps the bayonet (銃剣 jūken). However, aikido derives much of its technical structure from the art of swordsmanship (kenjutsu).

Ueshiba moved to Hokkaidō in 1912, and began studying under Takeda Sokaku in 1915. His official association with Daitō-ryū continued until 1937. However, during the latter part of that period, Ueshiba had already begun to distance himself from Takeda and the Daitō-ryū. At that time Ueshiba was referring to his martial art as "Aiki Budō". It is unclear exactly when Ueshiba began using the name "aikido", but it became the official name of the art in 1942 when the Greater Japan Martial Virtue Society (Dai Nippon Butoku Kai) was engaged in a government sponsored reorganization and centralization of Japanese martial arts.

Religious influences

After Ueshiba left Hokkaidō in 1919, he met and was profoundly influenced by Onisaburo Deguchi, the spiritual leader of the Ōmoto-kyō religion (a neo-Shinto movement) in Ayabe. One of the primary features of Ōmoto-kyō is its emphasis on the attainment of utopia during one's life. This was a great influence on Ueshiba's martial arts philosophy of extending love and compassion especially to those who seek to harm others. Aikido demonstrates this philosophy in its emphasis on mastering martial arts so that one may receive an attack and harmlessly redirect it. In an ideal resolution, not only is the receiver unharmed, but so is the attacker.

In addition to the effect on his spiritual growth, the connection with Deguchi gave Ueshiba entry to elite political and military circles as a martial artist. As a result of this exposure, he was able to attract not only financial backing but also gifted students. Several of these students would found their own styles of aikido.

International dissemination

Aikido was first brought to the West in 1951 by Minoru Mochizuki with a visit to France where he introduced aikido techniques to judo students. He was followed by Tadashi Abe in 1952 who came as the official Aikikai Hombu representative, remaining in France for seven years. Kenji Tomiki toured with a delegation of various martial arts through fifteen continental states of the United States in 1953. Later in that year, Koichi Tohei was sent by Aikikai Hombu to Hawaii, for a full year, where he set up several dojo. This was followed up by several further visits and is considered the formal introduction of aikido to the United States. The United Kingdom followed in 1955; Italy in 1964; Germany and Australia in 1965. Designated "Official Delegate for Europe and Africa" by Morihei Ueshiba, Masamichi Noro arrived in France in September 1961. Today there are aikido dojo available throughout the world.