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Sunday, June 7, 2009


My Aikido does not believe in binding its students to signed financial contracts. We believe in verbal agreements based on trust and honesty. Our part of the agreement is to offer you Aikido instruction of high quality. Your part of the agreement is to take part in the training and to pay your membership fees promptly when due without being asked.

One-Time Registration Fee:

1. RM 50 per person or family.
2. No contract required.
3. One time only. Returnee’s do not pay this fee ever again.

Monthly / Quarterly Membership Fees:

There is no discount for missed classes. If health concerns or other issues keep a member from attending classes for a prolonged period, a special leave-of-absence may be arranged, if needed. Please talk with an instructor or a deshi, who will bring the matter to the attention of Sensei, in confidence.

Payment Policy:

1. Fees are due on the 5th of the month.
2. My Aikido does not accept credit cards and cheques. Payment can be made via cash, online or personal checks.
3. Online payments must be notified to My Aikido and bank in slip to be retained as proof of payment.

Fees for Visitors and Guests:

Visitors from affiliated dojos may train at My Aikido at a fee of RM10 per session.

Special Circumstances:

For those people who need financial assistance, we offer help through our Scholarship Program. Ask an instructor or a deshi for a confidential application.

Registration fee:


(Single or family)



RM 60/month (1 session per week)
RM 70/month (2 sessions per week)
RM100/month (unlimited sessions)

- or-
Quarterly (every 3 months)

RM150 (1 session per week)
RM180 (2 sessions per week)
RM250 (unlimited sessions)

Junior (5-17 years)

RM 50/month (1 time training a week)


RM 10/session


  1. saya seorang pp berminat untuk mempelajari seni aikido..adakah ia tidak mengapa??..dan boleh jelaskan lg tentang yuran

    1. Aikido adalah seni pertahankan diri yg lembut. Konsep Aikido ialah menggunakan tenaga musuh sbg kelebihan untuk menyerang kembali (countering). Jadi untuk menjawab soalan cik, yup sebagai pp ianya tidak mengapa mempelajari seni ini malah seni Aikido ini amat sesuai untuk kaum wanita kerana kelembutan yg ada pd diri mereka dan juga Aikido... jika cik risaukan partner untuk sparring, di dojo kami juga mempunyai pelajar pp. berkenaan yuran, cik boleh menelefon kami di nombor yg disediakn di ruangan "Contact". Maaf kami lambat menjawab soalan cik, harap ini menjawab ape yg disoalkan. terima kasih.

  2. As-Salam
    Saya berumur 44 tahun, telah menjalani pembedahan jantung kaedah by-pass 6 tahun lalu, sudah buta sebelah mata akibat 'retinal detachment' dan tinggal sebelah mata sahaja yang nampak, tetapi doktor memberi ingatan agar kepala tidak mendapat hentakan yg kuat utk menjaga mata yg masih ok itu kerana dikhuatiri jika berlaku hentakan akan berlakunya 'retinal detachment' mata itu pula. Namun, saya berminat dgn aikido telah lama, apa pendapat tuan?
