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Sunday, May 18, 2014


My Aikido Dojo does not believe in binding its students to sign financial contracts. We believe in verbal agreements based on trust and honesty. Our part of the agreement is to offer you Aikido instruction of high quality. Your part of the agreement is to take part in the training and to pay your membership fees promptly when due without being asked.

One-Time Registration Fee:

1. RM 50 per person or family.
2. No contract required.
3. One time only. Returnee’s do not pay this fee ever again.

Monthly / Quarterly Membership Fees:

There is no discount for missed classes. If health concerns or other issues keep a member from attending classes for a prolonged period, a special leave-of-absence may be arranged, if needed. Please talk with an instructor or the management, who will bring the matter to the attention of Sensei or Dojo Cho, in confidence.

Payment Policy:

1. Fees are due on the 7th of the month.
2. My Aikido does not accept credit cards. Payment can be made via cash, online or personal cheque.
3. Online payments must be notified to My Aikido and bank in slip to be retained as proof of payment.

Fees for Visitors and Guests:
Visitors from affiliated dojos or other Aikido organisation may train at My Aikido at a fee of RM20 per session.

Special Circumstances:
For those members who need financial assistance, we offer help through our Scholarship Program. Ask an instructor or the management for a confidential application.

Registration fee:

RM50  (Single or family)


RM 70/month (2 sessions per week)
RM100/month (unlimited sessions)

- or-
Quarterly (every 3 months)
RM180 (2 sessions per week)
RM250 (unlimited sessions)

Junior (5-17 years)

RM 50/month (1 time training a week)

RM 20/session



  1. Assalamualaikum, nak tanya tentang yuran belajar Aikido ni masih sama ke seperti yg tertera? Saya berminat ingin pelajari seni Aikido ni..saya berumur 39 thn..boleh pm saya

    1. Waalaikumsalam tuan, dewasa yuran rm70, dan gi mungkin dalam rm 90. kami alu-alukan tuan datang terus ke dojo kelas hari rabu - jumaat 830 malam.

    2. Assalam, saya Syahir, saya pon berminat

  2. Assalam, Saya Azam. Saya nk tanya kelas utk kanak2 tu campur ke dari 5 tahun ke 17 tahun. anak saya umur 7 tahun. Bayaran RM50 sebulan maksudnya 4x latihan sebulan la kan. Masa latihan bila dan pkl berapa dan di mana tempatnya?
