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Monday, November 5, 2018

Circular Motion in Aikido

It is the circular motion in Aikido that allows the art to be efficient and effortless. It deploys maximum effect with minimal precise effort.

An attack is not stopped or halted but rather deflected with circular motion. Ukes forward momentum combined with Nage's accurate rotation takes balance. Ukes center does not have to be moved very far to create instability.
Once balance is taken uke becomes very light and easy to redirect. Uke is compelled to move where he is led.
We study and can spend years developing an intuitive sense in regards to the relation of force, timing, and rotation. Correct delivery of these components results in the power and grace that we see in aikido techniques.
And underneath it all lies a peaceful calmness with a very grounded and energized sense of center.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Power of Center (Hara)..

The power of the centerline is known as 'Chushin-Ryoku'. When we maintain that strong center line in any direction we move, we have good posture and alignment. With a stable center and precise hanmi this structure is very powerful and sound.
The power that is generated by a unified body to focus on one point is called 'Shuchu-Ryoku'. This power is greater than muscular power.

The upper body only maintains an intregity (no strength) in coordination with the center, hips, and legs. The feet are foundational, drawing energy up from the ground.
Focus from the centered whole body sent (exhaling) through one point can be very powerful.

Stay focused & train hard.. Be humble 
Peace & harmony.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Alhamdulillah.. My Aikido Centralised Seminar & Upgrading 2018 berjalan dgn lancar pada 5 Mei 2018 (Sabtu). Seramai 27 kanak-kanak & 9 dewasa (dari dojo Bangi & KDE) telah mengambil ujian & berjaya lulus. Tahniah diucapkan kpd semua.
Ribuan terima kasih juga kpd semua yg telah bertungkus-lumus menjayakan acara tahunan tersebut. Jasamu amat dikenang.
Semoga MyAikido Dojo terus menjadi Dojo Aikido utama di kawasan Bangi & Lembah Klang seterusnya seluruh Malaysia! Ganbatte.. Amiin. ðŸ˜Š
Domo arigato gozaimasu

Ada banyak lagi gambar-gambar aktiviti semasa Seminar & Upgrading tersebut di FB Page My Aikido Dojo.

Boleh lihat DI SINI.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

PENGUMUMAN: Kelas Aikido di Bulan Ramadhan 2018

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Ahli My Aikido & ibubapa yang dihormati,

Kelas Aikido pada bulan Ramadhan yg dijangkakan akan bermula pada 17 Mei tahun ini adalah seperti berikut:-

Dewasa (Adults): Setiap Jumaat malam 10.30pm (selepas solat Tarawih)
Kanak2 (Children): Setiap hari Sabtu (Sat. 10.30-11.30 am)
KDE Ampang: Tiada kelas aikido di KDE sepanjang bulan Ramadhan.

Kelas kanak2 pada setiap Selasa malam akan direhatkan sepanjang bulan Mei & Jun 2018 untuk memberi laluan kpd ibadah solat tarawih dan sambutan hari raya aidilfitri dalam bulan Jun. Kelas Selasa malam akan kembali berjalan seperti biasa pada 3 Julai 2018.

Mohon maaf atas sebarang kesulitan.

Sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan kepada pihak kami melalui email & wassap.

Sekian harap maklum & terima kasih. Domo arigato. 


Bagi pihak MyAikido Dojo @ Bangi
"The Journey to Self-Discovery"


Contacts: 016-6390827 (Azali), 012-3919372 (Yusof), 016-3612374 (Nik) & 016-2236909 (Azli)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

My Aikido Dojo - Centralised Seminar & Upgrading - 5th May 2018

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Ahli My Aikido yang dihormati,

Seperti yg telah dimaklumkan sebelum ini, satu program Seminar Aikido & "Upgrading" akan di jalankan utk semua pelajar2 / ahli2 aikido yg bernaung di bawah My Aikido Dojo dari Dojo Bdr Baru Bangi & Dojo KDE Ampang. 

Maklumatnya adalah seperti berikut:-
Tarikh: 5hb Mei 2018 (Sabtu/Sat)
Masa: 8.30am - 12.30pm (kanak2/children) & 2pm - 6.30pm (dewasa/adults)
Tempat: MyAikido Dojo, Bandar baru Bangi
(Please refer attachment for details)

Oleh itu, semua ahli/pelajar dijemput utk menghadiri seminar Aikido tersebut di Bangi. Sila rujuk email masing2 utk maklumat lanjut. 

Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi Sensei Yusof (012-3919372) atau mana2 sensei dan pihak pengurusan My Aikido Dojo spt di bawah.

Sekian terima kasih.

P/s: Dapatkan tips aikido & self-defense di sini:


Bagi pihak MyAikido Dojo @ Bangi
"The Journey to Self-Discovery"


Contacts: 016-6390827 (Azali), 012-3919372 (Yusof), 016-3612374 (Hj Nik) & 016-2236909 (Azli)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Saturday, January 6, 2018