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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tissier Shihan Seminar

The visit by Aikikai Malaysia to Singapore to attend Tissier Shihan's seminar was a successful one.

Quoting Dr. Ridhwan, one of the participants:

"I came back from an international Aikido seminar that was held in Singapore. It was conducted by Christian Tissier, a 7th Dan master and a superstar in the world of Aikido. I started Aikido about 10 months ago and I was surprised that most of the techniques that we were learning in the seminar were techniques that I already knew. So, I asked myself, what is the difference then between a beginner and a 7th Dan master? Is it simply about applying the same techniques better and faster? How do you progress in Aikido? I asked the question to Sensei Tissier and his answer was simple: the right mindset (his exact words in French was “blocage mental” which means literally mentally blocked).

Everybody makes mistakes. But if you think that you have mastered the technique, you close your mind and stop learning. You can only progress if you keep your mind open. A beginner who attends his seminar may learn more than somebody who has done Aikido for twenty years because he thinks that he already understands Aikido.

He explained that you can develop a very negative Aikido technique. You can become very strong at blocking others but you will have worked yourself into a corner. I asked a second question which was, “do you progress in Aikido by not being afraid”. His said, “Not necessarily but Aikido is about removing your fears.” Generally, my interpretation of what he said is that it doesn’t matter how much you have mastered, what matters is how much you still have to master."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Aikikai Annual Seminar

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Ahli My Aikido yang dihormati,
Yang Dimuliakan Saudara/Saudari,

Assalamualaikum wrt. wbrt, salam sejahtera dan salam 1Malaysia.

Dengan segala hormatnya suka saya menarik perhatian saudara dan saudari tentang perkara di atas.

2. Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Persatuan Aikikai Malaysia akan mengadakan seminar tahunannya pada 24-26 Disember 2010 ini.

3. Seminar kali ini akan mengumpulkan jurulatih terkemuka seperti Sensei Yusuf Busrah (4th Dan), Zainuddin Abd. Khalic (3rd Dan)dan akan dipimpin sendiri oleh Ketua Jurulatih Aikido Malaysia Tn. Hj Muhammad Haneef Ali (6th Dan). Ini merupakan peluang terbaik untuk kita semua menimbah ilmu sebanyak mungkin daripada para jurulatih berpengalaman dalam dunia seni bela diri.

4. Kami amat berbesar hati menjemput saudara dan saudari (dewasa sahaja) utk mengikuti seminar ini. Berikut adalah tentatif latihan dan detail seminar.

Jumaat, 24 Disember 2010 [KDE]

2000-2145 KEIKO 1 Sensei Hj Muhammad Haneef Ali

Sabtu, 25 Disember 2010 [KDE]

0900-1030 KEIKO 2 Sensei Zainuddin Abd. Khalic
1100-1230 KEIKO 3 Sensei Zainuddin Abd. Khalic

1500-1630 KEIKO 4 Sensei Yusuf Busra
1700-1830 KEIKO 5 Sensei Yusuf Busra

2000-2145 KEIKO 6 Sensei Hj Muhammad Haneef Ali

Ahad, 26 Disember 2010 [MyAIKIDO, Bangi]

0900-1030 KEIKO 7 Sensei Hj Muhammad Haneef Ali
1100-1300 UJIAN

5. Sebagai makluman, ujian 2nd, 1st Kyu dan Yudansha akan diadakan di MyAikido Dojo, Bandar Baru Bangi, Bangi Selangor, manakala latihan diadakan di Kelab Aikido Darul Ehsan, Kelab Darul Ehsan (KDE) TAR, AMPANG. Yuran seminar sebanyak RM80dikenakan dan perlu didepositkan ke dalam akaun Persatuan Aikikai Malaysia, AmIslamic Bank 234-202-200367-3 atau dibayar sebelum seminar dimulakan.

6. Kejayaan seminar tahun lalu telah menyuntik semangat baru kepada para pesertanya dan diharapkan seminar pada tahun ini akan mencapai matlamatnya. Sila hubungi Saudara Azalie di talian 0166390827, Sensei Suzalie 0166272716 atau email kepada pihak pengurusan My Aikido untuk mengesahkan kehadiran.

* Mohon disebarkan maklumat ini pada rakan-rakan yang lain.
** Keiko = Sesi Latihan


Bagi pihak MyAikido Dojo @ Bangi
"The Journey to Self-Discovery"

016-6390827 (Azali), 012-3919372 (Yusof), 016-3612374 (Nik) & 017-2876147 (Azli)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MyAikido Upgrading August 2010

MyAikido held another upgrading session last August. Congratulation to all participants, may your practice continue on!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

MyAikido Upgrading and Seminar

MY AIKIDO will be hosting a Seminar and Upgrading on Aikido. The programs will be conducted by Suzalie Sensei (3rd Dan Black Belt). Details are as follow:

Seminar and Upgrading (6th – 1st Kyu)

Date/ Day: 7th August 2010/ Saturday
Time:1:30pm – 6:30pm
My Aikido Dojo,
Lot 907G, Kompleks Diamond, Bangi Business Park,
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor D. Ehsan


RM95 (Seminar RM50 + Upgrading RM45) : 6th – 4th Kyu
RM110 (Seminar RM50 + Upgrading RM60) : 3rd – 1st Kyu

The seminar will address the practicality of Aikido techniques in our daily life.
Participants will enjoy the in depth explanation of the techniques and some tips on
how to execute them effortlessly. As Aikido is also the “do” to self-discovery, the
seminar seeks to share the philosophy of harmonizing the self and the Universe, thus
provides the space for self-healing from the stressful life.

Participants will enjoy:
• Certificates for the Seminar and Upgrading
• Upgrading Belts (Obi)
• Drinks
• Great networking experience

Program tentative:
1330 - Registration
1400 – 1500 - Aikido Seminar (The 5 Fundamental Pinning Techniques)
1515 – 1600 - Aikido Seminar (Throwing Techniques)
1615 – 1730 - Upgrading Session
1800 – 1815 - Launching of My Aikido Students’ Handbook
1830 - 1900 - Upgrading Results,Certificate/Obi Presentation & Group Photos

For details, kindly contact Yusof Sensei (0123919372) or Suzalie Sensei
(0166272716), or e-mail:

Please find the registration form here

Sunday, May 23, 2010

MyAikido 1 year aniversary seminar

I could not believe it. Time flies so fast and MyAikido is already 1 year old. Congratulation to the team and all those who made their mark on the dojo all these times. Let us make our dojo the best there is :)
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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Aikido Demonstration In Marriot Putrajaya

MyAikido was invited to do a demonstration at The Marriot Putrajaya. The demonstration was a success. VIPs who attended the event includes Pak Lah (the former Prime Minister) and the Ambassabor Of Japan to Malaysia.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dr. Goldsbury Seminar

A seminar by Dr. Goldsbury was conducted successfully. Dr. Goldsbury emphasises the basics and add a dash of novelty tchniques now and then. The jo kata that he teaches is quite new to most of us and a bit foreign, but it was a delight learning it. All and all, it was wonderful and we couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you Dr. Goldsbury for your visit.
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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dr. Peter Goldsbury's Aikido Seminar

The Chairman of International Aikido Seminar, Dr. Peter Goldsbury Shihan will be visiting Malaysia and Brunei from 18-24 March 2010. In conjunction with his visit, Aikikai Malaysia has taken this special opportunity to organise 2-Day Seminar with him. The seminar is open to all Aikido enthusiasts. The detail of the seminar is as follow;

Day 1: 22 March (Monday)

1400-1700 Keiko I Dr. Peter Goldsbury (Kelab Aikido Darul Ehsan, KDE Ampang)

2000-2200 Keiko II Dr. Peter Goldsbury (Kelab Aikido Darul Ehsan, KDE Ampang)

Day 2: 23 March (Tuesday)

1400-1700 Keiko III Dr. Peter Goldsbury (Kelab Aikido Darul Ehsan, KDE Ampang)

2000-2300 Keiko IV Dr. Peter Goldsbury (Kelab Aikido Darul Ehsan, KDE Ampang)

Map to Kelab Darul Ehsan

To particpate in this seminar, a minimal seminar fee of RM70 for Aikikai Malaysia Members and RM90 for Non Aikikai Malaysia members will be charged. To register please email to or your name, contact number and dojo affiliation. You also can call 016 6272716 to confirm you attendance.

Registration form

About Dr. Peter

Peter Goldsbury (b. 28 April 1944). Aikido 6th dan Aikikai, Professor at Hiroshima University, teaching philosophy and comparative culture. B. in UK. Began aikido as a student and practiced at various dojo. Became a student of Mitsunari Kanai at the New England Aikikai in 1973. After moving back to the UK in 1975, trained in the Ryushinkan Dojo under Minoru Kanetsuka. Also trained with K Chiba on his frequent visits to the UK. Moved to Hiroshima, Japan, in 1980 and continued training with the resident Shihan, Mazakazu Kitahira, 7th dan Also trained regularly with Seigo Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Tada, Sadateru Arikawa and Masatake Fujita, both in Hiroshima and at the Aikikai Hombu. Was elected Chairman of the IAF in 1998. With two German colleagues, opened a small dojo in Higashi-Hiroshima City in 2001. Instructed at Aiki Expo 2002 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MyAikido in Semambu Dojo, Pahang

MyAikido in Semambu Dojo, Pahang.

Myaikido in Kajang

Myaikido Dojo Aikido Demonstration in Kajang. It was drilling that night at yet people stayed to watch :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Training Schedule

New Training Schedule 2010







(All Levels)



Adult (Beginner)



[Azrul & Azalie]


(6-13 yrs)




Adult (interm)




Adult (Beginner)

20:30- 21:30


Adult (Beginner)

20:30- 21:30


Adult (Beginner)

20:30- 21:30



(6-13 yrs)




Adult (Beginner)

22:00- 23:30

Adult (Interm)




List of Instructors

Suzalie Mohamad Dojo Cho/Chief Instructor

Muhamad Yusof Ahmad Khusairi Assistant Chief Instructor

Naim Assistant Chief Instructor

Sabri Salleh Instructor

Hairul Hafez Abu Bakar Instructor

Azrul Md. Isa Instructor

Khairul Azalie Md Khalid Assistant Instructor